WhatsApp launched a useful feature, which allows you to record a voice message without the need to keep the icon pressed, and in addition, listen to the audio before sending it. At the moment, it is only available for iOS devices (iPhones) and will soon be available for the Android operating system. The audios became one of the main resources to feed conversations on WhatsApp, especially among younger users. But how does this new option work? It is very simple: you have to keep the microphone button located on the right side next to the text field pressed and move it upwards to start recording without the need to keep the icon pressed. When you finish talking, you have to click on contact information (above) and in this way the recording is paused. And then you go back, that is to the field of conversation and you can listen to the audio before sending it. It should be noted that you can continue talking, you just have to do the same, press the button and pull it up again. ...
I admit I was pretty indulged to the Microsoft Windows system because other than it is very famous; there are packs of software built for it as well. However, today I was enlightened by the idea that other operating systems do well too. The MAC OS and the Linux OS are both amazing systems. I would try MAC OS later, but as for now, the Linux system will worth a try because it’s FREE and EASY to get. Linux’s idea to share a FREE operating system to the world and giving the world the right to change it to the way they like adds to the appeal of this software. People always love FREE things and sharing something very valuable is worth admiring. The appeal and the much talked about power of Linux caused me to decide to install it on one of my PC. I believed, as it was told, Linux only needs minimal hardware setting, giving me the chance to use my old PC running on Windows 7. There are lots of Linux operating systems available online for free but I chose Ubuntu. I was influenced by...