Before anything else you need to know what is meant by a catch-all email account. It is an ordinary email address but designated to receive emails that are incorrectly addressed by its name. This means if you have the email addresses and , you can set up as the catch-up email. will then catch messages that are incorrectly addressed. For example, an email sent to (which is not the proper email address that you have) will be forwarded to automatically. Wrongly addressed emails happens often times especially if you have a confusing email name such as, people may send emails to
Importance of a catch-all email
Importance of a catch-all email
While you are careful in writing your email in your website or in your card so that someone could easily contact you, senders or people who wants to send you emails are sometimes not careful in typing the valid email address or just forget your email and tried to guess the real address. If your senders will send their messages to an invalid email address, their email client will not send it and will tell them that the address is invalid. If they have typed a long message and don’t want to type it all over again (especially if it is a business related letter), you might waste a wonderful opportunity just because you don’t have a catch-all email.
But if you have a catch-all email, any messages sent to or wrong names of your email will be redirected to that email account and you have the chance to read them.
How to set an ordinary email to become a catch-all email at Godaddy?
At, you can set-up one email per domain name by default. You can however buy extra space for more emails if you want to.
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