Go to this link: https://www.mercurydrug.com/promos/couponcalendar.html
Promo period is from January 1 to December 31, 2012.
Choose a month. In my case, I will choose October 2012. You can check all months to find interesting coupons.
Click the date and you will see the coupons offered for that month. Be sure to read the promo period details of the coupons so that you will use a valid coupon.
If your computer has a printer already configured in it, you can just right click the image (coupon) and click PRINT. However, if you do not have this option, you can just right click on the image and click Save As to download the image. After the image is completely downloaded, open Microsoft Word. Click Insert Image and find the image you downloaded in your Downloads folder or any folder where you saved the image. After the image is inserted to your document, view it and try to position it so that you could use the paper for more coupons. Do not resize it or try to edit the image. Insert a high quality paper (substance 20) in your printer. Save the Word document where you inserted the coupons. If everything is ready, in Microsoft Word, click CTRL and P simultaneously. The Print prompt will be shown and clicks enter in order to start printing your coupons.
You can cut the paper so that the white spaces could be taken away and just leave the coupons.
You just successfully printed a coupon from Mercury Drug's website. Go to the nearest Mercury Drug Store in your place and present the coupons that you printed.
You have the chance to avail great discounts and deals. Happy shopping at Mercury Drugs!
Disclaimer: The writer or this review is not affiliated to Mercury Drugs. This is an informative guide in order to help consumers gain savings in buying health and wellness products.
The image above is a sample coupon from the website.
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